Kolektivní prezentace
Jméno žáka/žákyně nebo týmu: Carbon stars
Věk a třída žáka/žákyně nebo týmu: 7. a 8. třída
Název a adresa školy: International School Olomouc
Sokolovská 76/6, Olomouc, 779 00
Název příspěvku/Title: Science presentation: Carbon

Stručná anotace příspěvku/Abstract:
Carbon is an element, which surrounds us everywhere and that’s why it is so interesting. Carbon is found in living organisms but also in non-living things such as fossil fuels, diamonds, graphite, and new construction materials. It regulates the Earth's temperature, feeds our plants; C-based fossil fuels release energy which powers our households and cars. Unfortunately, it is also connected with global warming and carbon footprint, left by each of us, is discussed more and more often. Carbon, as a chemical element, is not only connected with chemistry but also with physics, biology, our economy, energetics, and the history of our universe. It is not only the star of the periodic table but also of our research. Life could not simply exist without carbon.
Kontaktní osoba, pedagogický garant/garantka: Michaela Fusková MSc., ředitelka školy